Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fall: The best time of year

Apple Picking

My students and I went on an apple picking field trip in the beginning of November. The weather was gorgeous and the apples were delicious. 

Myogi mountain 

Myogi mountain is about an hour away from where I live. Some co-workers and I met up with a large group of ex-pats to hike. Because our group was so large it was a slow, easy hike up an otherwise challenging mountain. There were parts in which you had to climb up and down using chains. The climax of the hike is the view in the picture. Beautiful fall colors and amazing scenery. On the way home, we stopped at a foot onsen and it was bliss. 

Wine Fest

Hang out at a vineyard picnicking and drinking wine all day?  Yes, please. 

Even though I was recovering from being sick, this was one of my best spent Satudays this fall. My friends I sat on a picnic tarp eating cheese, drinking wine, and enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. 

Friday, January 3, 2014


This year Felice had a Halloween bazaar and I chose the space themed room. So naturally I was an alien.
This is the non-school version of my alien costume. 
Out-of-this-world-make-up: 15 minutes
Out-of-this-world-hair: 1.5 hours

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October ALT Soccer Tournament

The Gunmatrons

Another weekend jammed packed with soccer. This time there were 7 teams and we played 6 games. We lost a player in the first 5 minutes of the first game (knee injury), but luckily the other teams were generous and lent us some players.

We won 2, lost 2, and tied 2. I scored 2. We played really well together and had a lot of fun on and off the field.

Mt. Fuji

View of Mt. Fuji from Lake Kawaguchiko
My solo trip to Mt. Fuji couldn't have come at a better time. I was ready for some solitude and what better way to spend some alone time?

I was told that the trail to the summit would be closed after September 1st so I was just planning to do the lateral trail at 5th Station. In fact, the sign on the trail head even said that the trail was closed. So I did the planned lateral trail but it was much shorter than I thought. I saw a path that lead up and decided to see where it led.
7th Station

I climbed all the way to 6th station before I realized I was on the trail to the summit. I looked up and was surprised to see hikers all the way up the mountain. Perplexed, I continued to climb. Along the way I met other hikers who informed me that you could, in fact, still go to the summit. I was a bit bummed to learn this so late as I did not have the supplies to stay overnight or the time to reach the summit and return. Nevertheless, it was a gorgeous day for hiking and I made it to 7th station before I had to turn around.

Sunset above the clouds

That night I went to the onsen next to my hostel. I spent most of my time in the outdoor pool laying on my back enjoying the full moon and stars.

Afterwards, I had a few beers with two hikers I had met early. They were on holiday from Ireland and had only been in Japan for 4 days.

Lake Kawaguchiko

The next morning I decided to rent a bike and cycle the 20 km around Lake Kawaguchiko. It was absolutely perfect weather for it and the scenery was stunning. Mt.Fuji is just one of numerous mountains in the area. It was a leisurely, easy cycle on a fairly well-maintained path.

I couldn't have had a better trip. It was an amazing experience.

Sunday, September 15, 2013


Back in July I was fortunate enough to able to travel to Taiwan for 10 days. The first part of the trip was solo and full of outdoors activities. For the second part I was joined by my friend Lisa who I know from Korea. Together we explored the city of Taipei. Taiwan is an amazingly friendly, lovely country and is currently battling Vietnam for my favorite Asian country. 


The second swimming hole
Upon arriving in Taiwan, I immediately headed south to Hualien by train. I stayed at a wonderfully charming hostel where I met some fantastic people; two local expats from South Africa and 3 boys all from different German speaking countries.After a night of drinking and games at the hostel, the boys and I had an amazing adventure the next day.
Behind a waterfall
In the afternoon we set out from the hostel to rent bicycles only to find out that because of the timing it was better and less expensive to rent motorbikes. After a few mishaps and misdirection, we finally got on out way. Our destination was a nature reserve just outside if town where a local said there was a swimming hole. We found the overcrowded 'swimming hole' with knee high water and were a bit disappointed. We tried to go further into the park but were told we needed a permit.

So off we went to find the police station to get the permit. We wound up at the wrong one, but there was a man there nice enough to lead us to the correct one. However, when we got there we were denied the permit. My guess is that we needed a local emergency contact. Just when we thought our adventure was doomed, we were saved by an English speaking local who offered to take us as guests on his permit. Delighted, we agreed.

Jumping at the final swimming hole
Not only did Jimmy get us into the park, he became our unofficial guide. The first stop was a much nicer swimming hole. Then he asked if we wanted to go river tracing. River tracing is essentially hiking up a river as opposed to a trail. So up we went. We jumped from rock to rock, we climbed up robes, we swam behind waterfalls, and finally we got to the ultimate swimming hole complete with rocks to jump off of. It was a most glorious day.

So glorious, in fact, that we went back to the second swimming pool that evening with a large group of people from the hostel.

Taroko Gorge

Hiking in Taroko Gorge was challenging but rewarding. The first trail I did was Baiyan Waterfall trail. Along the way I saw two monkeys helping each other get food from a tree. I wasn't quite sure whether or not they were dangerous so I just hung back and watched them for awhile. Eventually, I walked past them and they scurried up the mountain. The trail went through several dark tunnels and of course I wasn't prepared with a light so I just went slowly.

Much to my dismay, to get to the viewing deck for the waterfall I had to cross this very scary suspension bridge. With all the times I've faced my fear you'd think I'd have gotten over it, but no. 

The waterfall was two-tiered and very tall, but not super powerful.Still, it was a lovely sight. 

The trail ended with a a cave called Water Curtain. Imagine a natural tunnel with water cascading from the ceiling, almost like a shower. 

The next trail I did was a bit more challenging but rather unexciting. I ran into Cory who I had met earlier and he informed me that it was super safe to hitchhike while in the park (and in Taiwan in general). So after lunch, since I missed the bus, I decided to give it a go. I was picked up within minutes and dropped off at the trail head for Swallow Grotto. Even though this trail was a path along the side of the road it was beautiful. The river ran through the middle of the tall pot hole riddled marble gorge. 

The next day I set my goal a little too high. I was planning on taking the Dekalan to the Dali to the Shakadang trail. I even went so far as to get a permit. But alas the Dekalan defeated me. At first I was surprised that I was the only hiker considering the trail head's proximity to the visitors center. Then, I realized why. It was 300 meters straight up stairs and it was grueling. When I reached the top I was beat and since I didn't know how long or hard the Dali trail was going to be, I wimped out and went back down. I took the bus to the Shakadong trail which was a delightfully easy trail that followed the river.

The before shot


Seeing Lisa for the first time in year was great. We picked up right where we left off and had an amazing time together. We met up in the afternoon on Saturday and explored our immediate area which included 228 Peace Park. Then we gussied up for the evening and went in search of food and night life. And night life we found. After a few bars we settled into Carnegie's which was a big open bar with wooden furniture and an almost American feel to it.

Yes, that is me dancing on the bar

We were tempted to relocate as we were surround by old men with young Taiwanese women and even more so when the go-go dancers came out. However, a few shots of tequila can do amazing things. For example, getting Lisa and I to dance on the bar. It was an epic evening.  

The next morning, or rather afternoon, we decided to take the gondola out to the Maokong Teahouse district. It was an amazingly lazy way to spend a hungover Sunday. The gondola ride was about 20-30 minutes and took us over greenery, trees, mountains, and city lights in the distance. After wandering around and taking in the sights we settled at one of the tea houses taking in the scenery and chatting. 

That night we went to Longshan Temple and all the night markets around it. We were told that trying the stinky tofu was a must and that it didn't taste as bad as it smelled. That was a flat-out lie! It was so gross!

Due to our high maturity level, Lisa and I decided to have lunch the following day at the Modern Toilet Restaurant. It was exactly what you would expect of a toilet themed restaurant. All the tables were glass covered sinks or bathtubs and the seats were western toilets. Drinks were served in urinals, food in western toilets or squatters. I found it very amusing. 

That night and the next night we spent hours in the Shilin Night Market. It seemed to go on forever. The food was so good and so cheap. They had every type of meat on a stick, fried everything, sandwiches, omelettes, and best of all fresh juice. I tried carrot and apple, starfruit and banana, and my personal favorite dragon fruit. The market was also souvenir heaven and I was able to buy everything I needed in one place. Not to mention all the games you could play. 

Monday, August 19, 2013

Summer Getaways

In June, I went to Tochigi, a neighboring prefecture, to visit some members of my soccer team. They took me to the Ajisai Matsuri which is a flower festival on a nearby mountain. Every color of the rainbow was represented in the flowers and the grueling hike to the summit was rewarded with a panoramic of the city. Afterwards, I had my first ever onsen (hot springs) experience and it was amazing!

The following weekend I went to Minakami with some coworkers. Minakami is a little slice of mountainly heaven that reminds me of Boone located in the northern part of the prefecture. We had lunch by the river before an afternoon of rafting. The rapids were probably only a class 2 or maybe 3 and they made everyone wear a wet suit even though it wasn't cold, but it was still a fun time. There were parts where we got to swim, jump off rocks (of course I choose the highest jump), and slide down the raft like a water slide.

In July, I went to Tochigi again. This time for a widely fun time at a rooftop beach theme party. It was nomihodai--- all you can drink and I certainly took advantage of that. The party included a hula hoop and limbo contest, and beach balls were being batted around the dance floor. The night ended with my first karaoke experience in Japan and I drunkenly sang (if you can call it that) "It's my life".

I was reminded the next day that the amount of hours it takes you to recover from a night of drinking is directly related to your age (and I'm not getting any younger). After a day of lounging about and being hung over, the girls I went to downtown Mibu to enjoy the local festival there. There were drummers being pulled on floats who battled other drummers on floats. There were also many food stands and games you could play. It was pretty cool until the spontaneous downpour and thunder! An hour train ride home soaking wet wasn't the most pleasant experience I've ever had.

I spent another weekend in Tochigi in the beginning of August to say goodbye to some friends who were leaving Japan. First was Rachel's send off. Karaoke, drinks, and dinner. The next day it was time to say goodbye to Dan, my Kiwi friend who moved to London. I met him in Utsunomiya for the big festival there. It was by far the best one I went to this season. As an expat, I feel like you are always saying goodbye.

Back in good old Isesaki, I recently went to the local festival here. The festival itself was rather unexciting, but I got to meet some cool new arrivals. I've since joined them for conveyor belt sushi---so delicious and so cheap!

People always come out of hibernation in the summer and I've made a lot of friends recently. I went to a BBQ back in July where I met a lot of people from my prefecture and have since met up with them. Last Friday, I joined a few for drinks and dinner, and thoroughly enjoyed our slightly intoxicated argument about who would win in a fight, Gandalf or Dumbledore? I'd put my money on Dumbledore any day.

In September, I ventured up to Minakami again. This time to meet up with a lot of other expats for a weekend of outdoor activities. I started my Saturday by going canyoning. We slid down waterfalls (including a 20 meter one), jumped off rocks, and swam down the river. It wasn't terribly intense, but it was a terribly good time. That night there was a BBQ, all you can drink, and a party at the lodge. It was all-round fun weekend.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

ALT Soccer Tournament

Couldn't have asked for a better birthday weekend. A beautiful drive up into the mountains, 5 soccer games, a BBQ, a quiz show, a dance party, and so many cool people.
After our sole win. 1-0. I scored the goal :)

Day 2. Game Face.
Day 2. How we really felt.
We may have finished last, but I still feel like a champ. It's the most fun I've had in Japan so far.