Thursday, October 11, 2012


          Anjee, Lisa, and I headed up to Seoul for Korea's version of Oktoberfest. The event was held at a convention center at a very posh hotel. After galavanting around Seoul we dressed to impress and went to the event around 6:00. We gorged ourselves on delicious German fare including sausages, potato salad, roast beef, and much, much more. Oh, how I loved it.
          Lisa brought back four beers, as much as she could carry. Then on my way back from the restroom I saw that one of the guys from our table was at the beginning of the line for beer. I decided to go ahead and get four more as the line was growing. Meanwhile, Anjee had succeeded in convincing one of the workers to bring us two pitchers. And Lisa bought us a shot each. This resulted in the picture above.
          Anjee competed and lost the arm wrestling competition. I was passed over for the hammer competition. But Lisa won the speed drinking competition by a landslide. Good times had by all.